Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Grohmann Museum

Grohmann Museum 

 Man at Work Art Collection

What a wonderful museum! All the pieces revolve around the theme "Man at work." I easily get overwhelmed at museums that have no real direction or flow of their exhibits, but the Grohmann museum does a beautiful job of organizing their collection. They have plaques around each section giving facts and details about the the type of work that is being done in the paintings- very smart- helps put the paintings into context. They also have barcode scanners by certain paintings that lead you to an audio file about that painting.

The highlight of the museum for me was the roof top sculpture garden- it is beautiful up there! The men sculptures are enormous-they look so much smaller from the street!  

Established in 2007.

The museum is named in honor of Dr. Eckhart Grohmann, an MSOE Regent, Milwaukee businessman and avid art collector who donated his collection to MSOE in 2001 and subsequently the funds to purchase, renovate and operate the museum. The museum opened in 2007.

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